Sunday, March 3, 2019
1:00 PM – 3:30 PM

Room number: 6D


Paolo Costa, Microsoft, UK; Yvan Pointurier, Nokia Bell Labs, France; S.J. Ben Yoo, University California at Davis, USA


Data center traffic is experiencing double-digit growth, generating high pressure on current switching architectures to keep pace with the bandwidth and energy-efficiency demands for further scaling. Optical switching is often advocated as an enabling technology capable of sustaining the explosive growth of data center networks but several challenges needs to be solved before optical switches can be deployed at scale. The workshop will review the hurdles faced by current electronic switching disciplines and will discuss the roadmap for introducing optical switching. We will explore key device, transmission, and network technologies that scale to realistic network sizes and will indicate the requirements posed on the underlying components. We will also discuss open challenges associated to the control of large optical data center infrastructures including the design of network controllers and dynamic schedulers for resource allocation and new routing and congestion-control protocols. (slides)


Hitesh Ballani, Microsoft, UK
Optics for the Cloud: Trends, Challenges and Opportunities (slides)

Eitan Zahavi, Mellanox Technologies, Israel
Optical Data Centers – Fundamental and Other System Considerations (slides)

Mike Frankel, Ciena Corp., USA
Optical Switching for Link Bandwidth Adaptation in Future Data-center Networks (slides)

Benjamin Lee, IBM TJ Watson Research Center, USA
Platforms for Integrated Photonic Switching Modules (slides)

George Papen, University of California at San Diego, USA
Control Planes for Optical Switches (slides)

Roberto Proietti, University of California Davis, USA
Control Plane Solutions for Scalable and Modular Optically
Interconnected Datacenters 

This workshop is sponsored by: IEEE Communications Society, IEEE Photonics Society, and the Optical Society