Technology Overview
In many applications such as elastic optical networking (EON) [1], elastic RF-Optical Networking (ERON) [2], THz Analog-to-Digital/Digital-to-Analog Converters, and THz-wave LIDARs, we need arbitrary waveform generation and detection spanning THz bandwidth and beyond. UC Davis has developed methods for dynamic optical arbitrary waveform generation (OAWG) and measurements (OAWM) [3]. As Figure 1 illustrates, spectral-slice based dynamic OAWG can create continuous, high-fidelity waveforms that overcome the limitations of rapidly updating the modulations to a line-byline pulse shaper. Spectral-slice dynamic OAWG utilizes the parallel synthesis and coherent combination of many lower bandwidth spectral slices to create broadband data waveform. In contrast to multicarrier systems, the spectral slice bandwidth is not related to the subcarrier bandwidth of generated waveforms. This removes any restrictions on the subcarrier bandwidth and its modulation format and is only limited by the total operational bandwidth of the OAWG transmitter. The parallel nature of this transmitter structure enables bandwidth scalability without increasing the bandwidth demand on the supporting electronics. As Figure 2 shows, the complementary receiver is optical arbitrary waveform measurement (OAWM) [4], in which a broadband, continuous bandwidth waveform is divided into many spectral slices for parallel measurement using independent digital coherent receivers [3-22].

Current Research Activities
Following the design and fabrication of the first monolithic 100 GHz OAWG device demonstration on an InP platform, we realized 1 THz 100-channel × 10-GHz OAWG device monolithically integrated on a 2 inch InP wafer. Inset shows two polarization maintaining fiber arrays interfacing with Michelson interferometer EAM devices as shown in Figure 3 [24]. We are currently investigating silicon photonic OAWG/OAWM devices illustrated in Figure 4. As also noted in SVBT technology description, we are developing and implementing digital signal processing for high fidelity waveform generation and detection.

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- Fontaine, N.K., et al., Demonstration of high-fidelity dynamic optical arbitrary waveform generation. Optics Express, 2010. 18(22): p. 22988-22995.
- Fontaine, N.K., et al., Real-time full-field arbitrary optical waveform measurement. Nature Photonics, 2010. 4(4): p. 248-254.
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- Fontaine, N.K., R.P. Scott, and S.J.B. Yoo, Dynamic optical arbitrary waveform generation and detection in InP photonic integrated circuits for Tb/s optical communications. Optics Communications, 2011. 284(15): p. 3693-3705.
- Scott, R.P., et al., Dynamic optical arbitrary waveform generation and measurement. Optics Express, 2010. 18(18): p. 18655-18670.
- He, T.T., et al., Optical Arbitrary Waveform Generation-Based Packet Generation and All-Optical Separation for Optical-Label Switching. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 2010. 22(10): p. 715-717.
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