Principal Investigator |Project Scientists | Post Doctorates | Students

Bio: S. J. Ben Yoo is a Distinguished Professor at the University of California at Davis (UC Davis). His research at UC Davis includes 2D/3D photonic integration for future computing, cognitive networks, communication, imaging, and navigation systems, micro/nano systems integration, and the future Internet. Prior to joining UC Davis in 1999, he was a Senior Research Scientist at Bellcore, leading technical efforts in integrated photonics, optical networking, and systems integration. His research activities at Bellcore included the next-generation Internet, reconfigurable multiwavelength optical networks (MONET), wavelength interchanging cross connects, wavelength converters, vertical-cavity lasers, and high-speed modulators. He led the MONET testbed experimentation efforts and participated in ATD/MONET systems integration and a number of standardization activities. Prior to joining Bellcore in 1991, he conducted research on nonlinear optical processes in quantum wells, a four-wave-mixing study of relaxation mechanisms in dye molecules, and ultrafast diffusion-driven photodetectors at Stanford University (BS’84, MS’86, PhD’91, Stanford University). Prof. Yoo is a Fellow of IEEE, OSA, and NIAC and a recipient of the DARPA Award for Sustained Excellence (1997), the Bellcore CEO Award (1998), the Mid-Career Research Faculty Award (2004 UC Davis), and the Senior Research Faculty Award (2011 UC Davis).
Looking For Project Scientists:
Contact sbyoo@ucdavis.edu if you are interested!

Dr. Ashish Prajapati
Bio: Ashish Prajapati is a postdoctoral scholar.

Dr. Ahmed Mortuza Saleque
Bio: Dr. Ahmed Mortuza Saleque joined Prof. Yoo’s group in March 2023 as a Postdoctoral Scholar. Prior to joining Prof. Yoo’s group, he was a Postdoctoral Fellow at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong. His research interest involves nano-micro fabrication, 2D materials, MXene, photothermal energy conversion, optics, and photonics. Dr. Ahmed earned his Ph.D. (Applied Physics) from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University with Hong Kong Ph.D. Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS) support. From 2013 to 2015, he was awarded the Erasmus Mundus scholarship for the Master’s program. He received a joint Master’s degree in Sustainable Transportation and Electrical Power Systems (EMMC-STEPS) from the University of Nottingham, the University of Oviedo, and the University of Rome. He was also a visiting scholar at the Wisconsin Electric Machines and Power Electronics Consortium (WEMPEC), University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA, in 2015. He also received a Bachelor of Science in Electrical & Electronic Engineering and a Master of Engineering in Telecommunications from American International University-Bangladesh in 2010 and 2012 respectively. He served American International University-Bangladesh as a Lecturer and was later promoted to Assistant Professor. He has over 12 years of academic and research experience.
Office: Kemper 2227
Email: asaleque@ucdavis.edu

Yichi Zhang
Bio: Yichi Zhang received a B.S. degree in electrical engineering from Nanjing University, China, in 2016. He is currently pursuing a Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineering at the University of California, Davis, USA.His current research involves silicon photonics devices and integration.
Office: Kemper 2227
Email: nszhang@ucdavis dot edu

Yi-Chun Ling
Bio: Yi-Chun Ling received a B.S. degree in electrical engineering and an M.S. degree in photonics technology from National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, in 2011 and 2013, respectively. He is currently pursuing a Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineering at the University of California, Davis, USA. His current research interest focuses on fabricating three-dimensional integrated optical devices via ultrafast laser inscription.
Office: Kemper 2227
Email:ycling@ucdavis dot com

Anirban Samanta
Bio: Anirban received a B.E. degree in electronics and communications engineering from the Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Mesra, India, in 2012 and an M.S. degree from the University of California Irvine, Irvine, CA, USA, in 2014. He is currently working toward a Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineering at The University of California, Davis, Davis, CA. He has previously worked with the ARIANNA Neutrino Detector Group at Irvine, developing sensor systems. His current research interests focus on electronic-photonic co-simulation, co-design, and integration with applications in high-performance computing and data centers
Office: Kemper 2227
Email: asamanta@ucdavis dot edu

Humphry Chen
Bio: Humphry received his B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of California, Davis in June 2018. He is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering at the University of California, Davis. His current research involves system design and experimentation of imaging systems using photonic integrated circuits.
Office: Kemper 2229
Email:hzchen@ucdavis dot edu

Hang Su
Bio: Hang Su received his B.Eng. degree in Optical Information Science and Engineering from Nanjing University, Nanjing, China in June 2018. He is currently pursuing a PhD degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of California, Davis. His current research involves design and fabrication of integrated silicon photonics devices and systems.
Office: Kemper 2227
Email:hxsu@ucdavis dot edu

Marjan Fariborz
Bio: Marjan received her B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic), Tehran, Iran, and her MSc degree from Lehigh University, PA. She is currently pursuing a Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of California, Davis. Her research interest lies in the area of computer architecture and optical interconnects in computing systems.
Office: Kemper 3116

Mehmet Berkay On
Bio: Mehmet received a B.S. degree in electrical and electronic engineering from Bilkent University, Ankara/Turkey. His research interests are energy-efficient neuromorphic computing, optical communication, and RF-photonic signal processing.
Office: Kemper 2229
Email: mbon@ucdavis dot edu

Jingwei Wan
Bio: Jingwei Wan received a B.S. degree in Physics from the University of Science and Technology of China in 2018. He is currently pursuing a Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineering at the University of California, Davis, US. His current research interests include the design and fabrication of SiN-based integrated photonic devices such as arrayed waveguide gratings and their applications in optical neural networks.
Office: Kemper 2227
Email:jiwwan@ucdavis dot edu

Che-Yu Liu
Bio: Che-Yu received his B.S. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, in 2012 and his M.S. degree from the University of California, Davis, in 2016. He is currently pursuing a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science at the University of California, Davis. His current research is mainly on machine learning and transfer learning in multi-domain elastic optical networks.
Office: Kemper 2229
Email:cyliu@ucdavis dot edu

Yun-Jhu Lee
Bio: Yun-Jhu Lee received a B.S. degree in Life Science and an M.S. degree in Biomedical Electronics and Bioinformatics from National Taiwan University, Taiwan. Currently pursuing a Ph.D. degree in electrical and computing engineering at the University of California, Davis. His research interest focus on neuromorphic computing.
Office: Kemper 2227
Email: fexlee@ucdavis dot edu

Mingye Fu
Bio: Mingye received his B.S. degree in Physics from the University of Science and Technology of China in 2018. He is pursuing his Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineering at the University of California, Davis. He is currently working on the design and fabrication of an on-chip, scalable wavelength routing system based on arrayed waveguide grating routers (AWGRs) for intra-data-center applications.
Office: Kemper 2227
Email: myfu@ucdavis dot edu

Rijuta Ravichandran
Bio: Rijuta has over 10 years of cleanroom fabrication and microscopy experience working as a process staff between academic and industrial environments. She received her B.S. in Biomedical Engineering (’13) from UC Davis. Her focus is to push the limits of fabrication, integrate unconventional materials, and develop low-loss structures. In particular, working with Lithium Niobate on Silicon Nitride integrated photonics
Office: Kemper 2227
Email: rravicha@ucdavis dot edu

Deniz Gozel
Bio: Deniz is holding his Bachelor’s in Electrical&Electronics Engineering from Middle East Technical University, Turkey, in 2021. He is pursuing his Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of California, Davis. His main interests are integrated photonics, heteregonous integration, functional AWG designs, neuromorphic photonics, and pushing the limits of device fabrication.
Office: Kemper 2227
Email: dgozel@ucdavis.edu

Georgios Charalampous
Bio: Electrical Engineer specializing in the interdisciplinary field of microwave and photonics. Currently, he is pursuing a Ph.D. under the supervision of a distinguished prof. Ben Yoo in integrated RF-Photonics. Worked for three years as a technical manager on two projects funded by the European Space Agency for photonically-assisted mm-wave generators and converters for future satellite payload systems. Implemented integrated photonics, optoelectronic oscillators, microwave photonic signal processors, and analog radio-over-fiber systems. He is an author of fourteen peer-reviewed publications and co-author of two. Georgios Chralampous obtained his Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Cyprus and his Master’s degree in Photonics Engineering from the Technical University of Denmark (DTU).
Office: Kemper 2227
Email: gcharalampous@ucdavis.edu

Luis El Srouji
Bio: Luis El Srouji received a Bachelor of Science in Applied Physics with an emphasis in Physical Electronics and a minor in Computer Science from the University of California, Davis. He is pursuing a Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering at UC Davis, with research interests in full-stack neuromorphic computing and engineering. Fascinated by the capabilities of the human brain, Luis aims to bring adaptability and autonomous discovery into the realm of silicon devices.
Office: Kemper 2227
Email: lzelsrouji@ucdavis.edu

Jake Smith
Bio: Jake received his B.S. in Computer Science from the University of California, Davis in 2023. He is pursuing his Ph.D. in Computer Science, with research interests focusing on optical network management, high-performance computing networks, and quantum communication security.
Office: Kemper 3114
Email: jsssmit@ucdavis.edu

Jaxon Brown
Bio: Jaxon received a B.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Florida in 2020. He is pursuing a Ph.D. at the University of California, Davis. His research interests are in computer architecture and photonic interconnects for High-Performance Computing (HPC). His current research investigates Silicon Photonic (SiPh) Networks on Chip (NoC) for coarse-grained reconfigurable architectures in HPC.
Office: Kemper 3112
Email: jxbrown@ucdavis.edu
- Professor Jonathan P. Heritage
- Professor Zhi Ding
- Professor Anh-Vu Pham
- Professor Saif Islam
- Professor Venkatesh Akella
- Professor Chen-Nee Chuah
- Professor Rajeevan Amirtharajah
- Professor Bevan Baas
- Professor Kai Liu
- Professor David Amaral
- Professor Xin Liu
- Professor Felix Wu
- Professor Andrew Hargadon
- Professor Erich P. Ippen
- at MIT
- Professor Franz X. Kaertner
- at MIT
- Professor Sebastian Lourdudoss
- at KTH
- Professor Tsu-Jae King Liu
- at UC Berkeley
- Professor Katherine Yelick
- at UC Berkeley
- Professor Framamoorthy Ramesh
- at UC Berkeley
- Professor Elad Alon
- at UC Berkeley
- Professor Roya Maboudian
- at UC Berkeley
- Professor Valerie Leppart
- at UC Merced
- Professor Jennifer Lu
- at UC Merced
- Professor Holger Schmidt
- at UC Santa Cruz
- Professor Yeshaiahu Fainman
- at UC San Diego
- Professor Sungho Jin
- at UC San Diego
- Professor Eric Fullerton
- at UC San Diego
- Professor Vitaliy Lomakin
- at UC San Diego
- Professor Axel Scherer
- at California Institute of Technology
- Professor Keren Bergman
- at Columbia University
- Professor Chee Wei Wong
- at Columbia University
- Professor Shanhui Fan
- at Stanford University
- Professor David A.B. Miller
- at Stanford University
- Professor James S. Harris
- at Stanford University
- Professor Mark Brongersma
- at Stanford University
- Professor Lynford Goddard
- at Univeristy of Illinois
- Professor Elisabeth Wade
- at Mills College
- Professor Elizabeth Kochly
- at Mills College
- Professor Paul F. Hudrlik
- at Howard University
- Professor Lila Ghemri
- at Texas Southern University
- Dr. Xian Xiao PhD 2021 HPE
- Dr. Hongbo Lu PhD 2020 Google
- Dr. Gengchen Liu PhD 2020 Huawei
- Dr. Chuan Qin PhD 2017 Acacia Communications
- Dr. Kuanping Shang PhD 2017 Intel
- Dr. Tiehui Su PhD 2017 Intel
- Dr. Binbin Guan PhD 2015 Acacia Communications
- Dr. Stanley Cheung Postdoctoral Scholar, PhD 2014 HPE
- Dr. Dan Marconett PhD 2014 Workday
- Dr. Stevan Djordjevic PhD 2014 Oracle
- Dr. Runxiang Yu PhD 2014 Infinera
- Dr. Xiaohui Ye PhD 2012 Cisco
- Dr. David Geisler PhD 2012 MIT Lincoln Laboratory
- Dr. Nicholas Fontaine Postdoctoral Scholar, PhD 2010, Bell Labs
- Dr. Vincent Hernandez PhD 2007 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
- Dr. Zuqing Zhu PhD 2007 University of Science and Technology of China
- Dr. Hui Zang PhD 2001 (Co-Advisor: Biswanath Mukherjee)
- Dr. Haijun Yang PhD 2007
- Dr. Danjue PhD 2007 (Co-Advisor: Chen-Nee Chuah)
- Dr. Zhong Pan PhD 2006
- Dr. Wushao Wen PhD 2001 (Co-Advisor: Biswanath Mukherjee)
- Dr. Shun Yao PhD 2001 (Co-Advising, Advisor: Biswanath Mukherjee)
- Dr. Yanda Zhang PhD, ME, and MS ECE
- Srikanth Vaidianathan MS 2003
- Yash Bansal MS 2003
- Julie Taylor MS 2003
- Vincent Tsui MS 2002
- Steven Fong MS 2001
- Dr. Domenico Tulli Postdoctoral Scholar 2013-2014
- Dr. Yawei Yin Postdoctoral Scholar 2010-2014
- Dr. Yasumasa Kawakita Visiting Research Scientist 2011-2013
- Dr. Takahide Sakamoto Visiting Research Scientist 2010-2012
- Dr. Salah Ibrahim Postdoctoral Scholar 2009-2010
- Dr. Jong-Hwa Baek Postdoctoral Scholar 2005-2010
- Dr. Francisco Soares Postdoctoral Scholar 2006-2010
- Dr. Xingwen Yi Postdoctoral Scholar 2008-2009
- Dr. Xiaoping Zhou Postdoctoral Scholar 2007-2010
- Dr. Linjie Zhou Postdoctoral Scholar
- Dr. Minsoo Lee Postdoctoral Scholar
- Dr. Katsunari Okamoto Visiting Scientist
- Dr. Ken Kashiwagi Visiting Scientist 2007
- Dr. Nikolai Chubun Postdoctoral Scholar
- Dr. Hyuek Jae Lee Postdoctoral Scholar
- Dr. Ronald Broeke Postdoctoral Fellow
- Dr. Chen Ji Postgraduate Researcher
- Dr. Fei Xue Postdoctoral Fellow